
- PSE’s response to misinformation in the Lauckhart-Schiffman Load Flow Study

It is time to upgrade the electric system serving the Eastside

In recent weeks, you may have heard varying views about need for our Energize Eastside project. Specifically, the Lauckhart-Schiffman Load Flow Study, put together by a neighborhood group opposed to the project, has made a number of claims and assumptions that are simply inaccurate.

The Lauckhart-Schiffman Load Flow Study is flawed on several levels, including:

  • The study erroneously interprets power flows to Canada
  • The study fails to stress the electric system as required by federal standards
  • The study underestimates the growth rate for the Eastside
  • There is no local generation in Bellevue
  • The study confuses planning standards with day-to-day operations
  • The Lauckhart-Schiffman study ignores prior studies
  • The study reaches irrational conclusions

The multiple inaccuracies in this study lead to an erroneous conclusion about the need for the project, which are described in detail here.

Electrical transmission system planning is a complex and rigorous exercise, performed by industry experts with the experience in and understanding of federally-mandated system planning requirements. The need for this project has been firmly established several times by multiple independent experts, as well as PSE. These studies have confirmed that a solution to provide reliable power for local Eastside customers must be implemented by the winter of 2017-18 to avoid risking power outages.

The Energize Eastside project will provide the necessary infrastructure to meet federally-mandated requirements without having to plan for rotating blackouts and without having a public discussion of the need to plan for blackouts. Combined with continued aggressive electric conservation, Energize Eastside will keep the lights on for homes and businesses in our Eastside communities for years to come.